- The synthesis process of the chelating agent and the final chemical reaction technology used guarantee complete chelation, ensuring maximum protection of the trace elements by the chelating agent.
- Product usable in Organic Farming according to EC Regulation n° 834/2007 and 889/2008.
- Product compliant with Regulation JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard – Japan).
- Control ECOCERT SA F - 32600
wdt_ID | Product Name | Composition | OBS. |
54 | SECUESTRUM FE 6 (3,5) | 6% Fe EDDHA, 3,5% Orto-Orto W/W | Solid, water soluble por fertigation |
55 | SECUESTRUM Fe 13 | 13% Fe EDTA W/W | Solid soluble product |
53 | SECUESTRUM FE 6 (4,8) | 6% Fe EDDHA, 4,8% Orto-Orto W/W | Solid, water soluble por fertigation |
56 | SECUESTRUM Mn 13 | 13% Mn EDTA W/W | Solid soluble product |
57 | SECUESTRUM Zn 15 | 15% Zn EDTA W/W | Solid soluble product |
58 | SECUESTRUM Ca 10 | 10% Ca EDTA W/W | Solid soluble product |
59 | SECUESTRUM MIX | 7,5% Fe + 3,3% Mn +0,6% Zn +0,3% Cu (chelated by EDTA) + 0,7% B + 0,1% Mo (mineral form) W/W | Solid soluble product. For fertigation and foliar |
If you want to be an INCENTIA distributor in your country, please contact us at dva.iberia@dva.com
DVA Crop Nutrition Division
Avda Moliere, 36, of 3.2
29004, Málaga – Spain
Phone: +34 951 327 613
Email: dva.iberia@dva.com